Related Pages
- Letters Home
- What Our Parents and Carers Think
- Digital Parent/Carer Forum
- School Lunches
- Lunch Menus
- Eligibility Checker for Free School Meals
- Information for Parents/Carers
- How we communicate with you
- New Parents/Carers
- Homework and Supporting Learning
- Clubs
- Uniform
- Forms
- Pupil Asset and Online Booking System
- Online Safety
- Term Dates
- F. A. Q.
- Useful links
In this section of our website you will find lots of useful information for parents and carers of children in the school. As well as key information such as term dates and uniform details you'll also find links to pages with information about school lunches, news from the Friends of Epping Primary and F. A. Q.
Don't forget that the online calendar on our website gives you up to date information about forthcoming events.