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At Epping Primary we believe that homework is an essential part of your child's learning. Sharing their learning at home with you supports and encourages them to achieve more.
Home Learning at Epping Primary
Here is the guidance on what homework will be set this year.
Class Teachers will direct you to which tasks are to be undertaken through Class Charts. These will be set on each Thursday and will need to be completed over the weekend or within the following week.
Homework is as follows:
Reading – daily
Phonics – weekly linked to Little Wandle
Maths – daily practise on Numbots
Years 1, 2 and 3
Reading - Our pupils should be reading daily at home (this could be to a parent/carer or the parent/carer could read to them). Please question them about what they have been reading. Guidance on questions can be found in their purple Reading Journals. You could also read a book on Bug Club (Years 1,2 and 3) or MyOn (Years 2 and 3 only).
Phonics/Spelling - A weekly phonic/spelling activity will be posted on Teams.
Maths - Pupils will be expected to complete a weekly maths activity posted on Teams. This will be based around the learning in class undertaken that week. Times Tables Rockstars- 5 minutes a day (Years 2 and 3) or Numbots- 5 minutes a day (Year 1).
Years 4, 5 and 6
Our school homework policy is that pupils from Year 3 onwards pupils will be set weekly homework from CPG workbooks.
There will a a page of SPAG (Spelling and Grammar) or Reading to complete.
Although homework is not compulsory at primary school parents/carers are requested to purchase the homework books to support their child with their learning.
Teachers will post which pages to complete each week on Class Charts.
In addition to this, pupils should also work on their times tables and spelling skills using our online platforms. Spellings will also be shared via Class Charts.
Please ensure daily reading is recorded in their reading diaries.
For Years 4, 5 and 6, you will need to be purchase the following books or online versions.
CG P Books
Below are links to the books you will need in Years 4, 5 and 6.The books are available online from most booksellers. They are also available as online versions with Amazon Kindle.
Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Reading | Reading | Reading |
How homework is set:
All homework will be posted on Thursday.
Teachers post on Class Charts which pages to complete each week.
The answers are provided at the back of the books, and you are encouraged to check your child’s work with them.
Please inform your child’s teacher if your child encounters any problems with their homework.
For Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling the answers are at the back of the book.
Please inform your child’s teacher if your child encounters any problems with their homework.
Helping the Homework Habit
Thoughts and tips from pupils, parents/carers and teachers to help you help your child work well at home. Leaflet: Helping the Homework Habit.
Supporting Learning at Home
The information below is for parents/carers to support their children and to give parents/carers an idea of what their child can do and how to help them.
Reading with your child is very important, and asking questions about what they are reading is a great way to aid their understanding and learning. We have produced some helpful questions to use when reading with your child. We hope you find it interesting and useful.
Parent/Carer Guide to Comprehension Questions
Below is a selection of books that teachers from each year group have chosen as recommended reads. Some are books used in class, some are good quality texts and some are non-fiction.
It is not an expectation that children read of all them but suggestions should they be stuck for a good book to buy or borrow from the library.
Key Facts
This document has key number facts in maths that children need to know.
Key Instant Recall Facts - for Years 1-6, one for each half term.
Epping Primary School Times Tables Awards
It’s an exciting time for maths at Epping Primary! Pupils across the whole school can increase their knowledge and understanding of times table and arithmetic skills through the challenges below. By answering all the questions correctly in the time frame given, pupils will earn stickers and certificates. Below you can see the skills that each stage covers:
12. Stag: All calculations including decimals, cubed numbers, square roots and fractions
11. Kite: Divide and multiply by powers of 10
10. Heron: Number facts to 100
9. Fox: All times tables and division facts (100 questions)
8. Bat: All times tables and division facts (60 questions)
7. Badger: 7,8,9 and 12 times tables and division facts
6. Adder: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 times tables and division facts
4. Squirrels: 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables and division facts
3. Hedgehog: 2,5 and 10 times tables and division facts
2. Butterfly: Number facts to 20
1. Beetle: Number facts to 10
The Stag challenge can be passed in various ways. First pupils need to be able to answer the questions correctly, then they can attempt to beat the leadership board which includes fastest teacher and fastest student.
Parents/Carers can support pupils in their learning through practising the challenges or similar questions at home.