Related Pages
- Letters Home
- What Our Parents and Carers Think
- Digital Parent/Carer Forum
- School Lunches
- Lunch Menus
- Eligibility Checker for Free School Meals
- Information for Parents/Carers
- How we communicate with you
- New Parents/Carers
- Homework and Supporting Learning
- Clubs
- Uniform
- Forms
- Pupil Asset and Online Booking System
- Online Safety
- Term Dates
- F. A. Q.
- Useful links
Digital Parent/Carer Forum (DPCF)
The DCPF is an online group to help improve communication between the school and parents/carers. Each year group has a WhatsApp group which parents and carers are encouraged to join.
These groups are used as a two way forum in which parents, carers and the school will discuss the school improvement plan, ideas from parents/carers on school improvement and any school issues (not personal) or concerns raised by parents/carers or the school.
This has been very successful and proved crucial during the time of lockdowns and school closures.
Regular Meetings
As well as dealing with queries as and when they happen via the class WhatsApp groups the DPCF meet regularly to discuss more broader issues and get overall feedback.
Digital Champions
We are currently recruiting new members of the DPCF for 22/23. Please see the letter below.Digital Champion Invite Letter - 2022/23
Joining the WhatsApp group(s)
We recognise that many of you will already be on a class or year group WhatsApp group but you will need to let the Champion know that you wish to join the DPCF group as well. They will not be able to add you to the group without your permission.
Please contact the office (admin@eppingprimary.essex.sch.uk) if you require the phone number of your Class Champion so that you can join the group.
Previous Actions
As you can see from the table below the DPCF is a really effective means of communication and then action between the parents/carers and the school. It is also a great way to share any ideas you have for school improvement.
You asked |
Our response |
March |
New staggered time. Causing issue on the pavement not able to socially distance. |
Sent out a letter reminding parents/carer of the process and Government requirements around this. Put an additional adult on the top gate. Further staggered drop off for KS1. Siblings starting at the same time can use the same gate. |
March |
Can pupils sit next to friends from other bubbles at lunchtime. |
At the moment we have to stick to guidance of keeping bubbles 2 metres apart. |
February |
Year 1 asking if a teacher is staying on in one class. |
Sorry school personnel can’t be discussed on this platform. A letter went out to all parents/carers of that class. |
February |
Can pupils bring bags, wear ties, summer uniform and different footwear. |
Keeping to the same guidance as the Autumn Term so no bags or ties. We will take a sensible approach to uniform as parents/carers can’t get to shops. Letter sent out to this effect. |
February |
Please ensure all worksheets/resources posted at least the night before so parents/carers can prepare. |
Email to all teachers. All resources to be posted by 5pm the day before they are needed at the latest. |
February |
Can pupils have a 1:1 session with their teacher. |
Once we had the staffing levels to allow for this we set up for first 2 Mondays after half term. |
January |
EYFS asked for online assembly or child led sessions. |
Headteacher joined both EYFS classes online to discuss their worries and introduced the concept of worry monsters linked to Zones of Regulation. Teachers incorporated more opportunities for pupils to share their interests during sessions. |
January |
For online live sessions to be an hour or more. |
Shared DfE remote guidance that said these would be inappropriate for primary age pupils which we agreed with. |
January |
For expectations of the pupils during live sessions to be relaxed especially for the youngest pupils. |
We felt that we should keep the expectations the same across the school. This would also help with pupils when returning to school to understand the expectations required of them. |
January |
Parents/Carers finding 2 online sessions a day too much. |
For pupils to join as many sessions as they could, preferably once a day, but at least several times a week. |
January |
Can parents/carers wait in the playground for siblings. |
Guidance is that the flow of people through the playground should be quick with no congregating or waiting. |
December |
Can plans and resources be emailed out as well as posted. |
Sorry no facility for this at the moment |
December |
Teams links sent out not working |
Office staff trained to talk parent/cares through accessing the Teams links. |
December |
Flu immunisation missed by bubbles being sent home |
Arranged an alternative date |
December |
Can the description of each option for school lunch be put on to Pupil Asset so that when parents/carers order they can see what it is rather than referring to the menu emailed out. |
This is something we have been working on. It is not ideal but for now we have managed to put this in the description next to the option. |