Friends News
Joining the Friends is a great way to meet other parents and develop friendships as you work together. Meetings are very social and everybody is welcome to come and help us plan, agree and organise our various activities. Volunteering at events also enables you to become more familiar with the school and its staff.
Visit the Friends Page for full committee details. Thank you so much to everyone for volunteering.
As well as the fantastic events organised by the Friends, they also run the school lottery and the pre-loved uniform sales to raise funds for the school.
For more on their Aims and Objectives....
Their next event is the Easter Treats Stall
The Friends will be in the playground after school on Thursday 28th April.
School Lottery
We are running our own school lottery which has a draw every Saturday.have already benefited the education of all pupils at our school.
Last year alone we have funded new interactive whiteboards, roleplay equipment, valuable First Aid workshops, the incredibly useful E-Safety workshops (including the very well attended parents session, and so much more.
Just have a look below to see exactly what they've raised and how they've spent it.
For more details on what they get up to have a look at the latest Friends Newsletter.
I look forward to seeing you at our events.
Hannah McCann (Chair),
Forthcoming events
We are back to live events! More dates coming soon.
Please see the Calendar for dates and the Letters Home page for full details of all Friends' events
More information
Anyone who feels that they could help out at any event in any way would be more than welcome as extra help is always appreciated.
If you are interested in becoming involved in any way then please contact any member of the committee of any of the Friends via your class teacher or the school office.
Follow the Friends on Twitter @EppingFriends
The Friends of Epping Primary organise fun events throughout the school year to raise money for the educational benefit of the pupils that attend. Last year’s events included a Christmas Fayre, Quiz Night, Summer Fayre and Disco.