Related Pages
- Headteacher's Welcome
- Vision and Values
- British Values
- Governing Body
- Staff
- School Tours
- School Tour Gallery
- Curriculum
- Cultural Capital
- How We Teach Phonics
- Assessment
- KS2 SATs
- Growth Mindset
- Friends of Epping Primary School
- School Council
- Eco Council
- Wellbeing Award
- Sport and PE
- Epping Forest School-Led Improvement Partnership
Sport and PE
Sport and Physical Education form an important part of our curriculum. Pupils have weekly PE lessons throughout the year, making use of our extensive indoor and outdoor facilities. In Year 5 all pupils have swimming instruction in our local pool. Teaching is carried out both by our own teaching staff and by specialist coaches.
Pupils at Epping Primary have the opportunity to take part in a range of different sporting activities in addition to the school curriculum, including afterschool sports and activity clubs. In addition teams representing our school take part in competitive sport throughout the year - including District Sports and inter-school football and kwik cricket competitions.
There are four sporting Houses used for competitive team games during the year; Blue House, Red House, Yellow House and Green House. These Houses are led by House Captains who apply for the role within year 6. House points are awarded for good sporting behaviour and achievement. These are added up weekly and the total points are shared with the whole school. At the end of the year the team with the highest points wins the House Cup.
New...Gold School Games Mark awarded!
We are proud to report that we have achieved the GOLD award for the School Games Mark!
The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of sport and competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver and gold levels and then are validated and awarded accordingly.