Eco Council News
June 2024
This year the Eco Council has been working hard in order to achieve an Eco-Award with the Woodland Trust. In our recent meeting the children were asked what they felt they had achieved this year.
Eva, Benjy and Lylah had this to say:
“We have recently achieved the bronze level award from the Woodland trust for our efforts with recycling. Our first Eco Council meeting we came up with all the ways we felt our school could improve with regards to recycling. Paper was our first thought, but we discussed a little further and decided that white board pens was a bigger concern. We found out that the company we get our pens from offers a recycling service. Each Eco Councillor took responsibility for their own class making sure that pens were placed into the refill pots when they ran out, and only once the tip was no longer useable, they were then placed in the recycling box.
We have so far filled one whole box that is ready to be sent off and recycled. At our most recent meeting we decided that we want to try and achieve the Silver Award before the end of the school year, we have planned 5 more steps to achieve this. One of these is by conducting a wildlife survey of all birds and minibeasts we can find on our school grounds, and we plan to do a litter pick to make sure our school environment is nice and clean for this wildlife.”
The eco council are proud to announce that they have been awarded the bronze award with the woodland trust for their hard work with recycling.
We had another meeting this week where the children have decided that they want to push in the last few weeks and try achieve the silver award.
"We are really proud of our recent achievement and have worked hard to get our award but we want to try for the silver award so we will be conducting wildlife surveys, litter picking and enjoying spending as much time out doors connecting with nature to try and get it."