Epping Primary School

01992 572408

Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of a group of appointed volunteers who each with their own skills and strengths have the common aim of ensuring pupils receive the best education possible whilst at their school. They work closely with the Headteacher and are involved in making important decisions which affect the strategic direction of the school. The 11 Governors meet regularly and comprise members from different categories, those of; Co-opted Governor (6 members), Staff Governor (2 members), Parent Governor (2 members) and Local Authority Governor (1 member). 

For the latest news from the Governors please click here. 

Governing Body Mission Statement

We work with the school to ensure an effective strategic direction whilst fulfilling all of our statutory obligations.

We help to provide a school where a well-rounded, creative and inspiring education is accessible to all pupils.

We continually develop the school through forward thinking, shared ambition and a passion to create an amazing place to learn.

The organisation of your Governing Body

The Governing Body was restructured in September 2017. 

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets twice a term to discuss all areas of governance, however, in order for the work load to be manageable and effective governors still have areas of responsibility which they oversee. These include Finance, Inclusion and Safeguarding.

 Some committees are established for a specific purpose. These are listed below.

  • Headteacher’s Performance Management – meet at least twice a year

  • Staff Appeals (meets when needed)

  • Pupil Disciplinary (meets when needed)

  • Staff Disciplinary (meets when needed)

  • Pay Committee – meets at least once a year 

  • Budget Committee - meets at least once a year 

The Full Governing Body comprises all members of the Governing Body.

Working Parties

When a specific (usually time limited, or time critical) project is identified a working party can be formed.  These will consist of governors and representatives of other relevant stakeholders.  Terms of reference, based on the purpose of the working party are drawn up and progress reports are provided to the FGB.

Governor Activities

Governors also organise specific monitoring activities linked to the School Improvement Plan and will visit the school throughout each term to look at progress in these areas. These visits include a variety of activities, according to the area being monitored. They could include; talking to pupils or staff, looking at pupils work and displays or meeting with subject leaders.

Every Governor is part of the Full Governing Body, is actively involved in monitoring activities every term and may be part of any working parties or other committees as needed. The Governing Body work hard to ensure that through their meetings and visits to school they know the school very well.

Formal records of all Governing Body meetings and committee meetings are taken and filed by the Clerk. Once agreed, minutes are then available to view. Should you wish to read any of the Governors' minutes, please make a request via the school office.

Governors Board Membership Details and Register of Interests

The Governors' profiles are shown below.

Name and Appointed Role

Appointed in

End of term

of office

Positions of Responsibility including Commitee and Working Party Membership

Relevant business interests

Personal relationship with members of school staff 


during last academic year 22/23

6 x FGB meetings
2 x C'tees

Nicholas Cornwell

Co-Opted Governor



- Staff and HR Lead




Josh Nash

Co-Opted Governor



- Chair of Governors from 03/07/23

- Chair of Pay Committee

- Budget Committee

- Inclusion Governor

 - Headteacher Performance Management

Teacher at High Beech Primary School

Chair of Trustees - Arts for All

Trustee of Friends of Oakview School


FGB - 100%

Pav Saunders

LA Governor



- Training Link




George Dorling

Co-Opted Governor









Parent Governor



  - Vice Chair of Governors from 01/9/23

- Parental Engagement Area Lead

- Future School WP

- Income Generation WP



FGB - 100%

Tracy O'Donnell,

Ex Officio



- Budget Committee



FGB - 100$

Budget C'tee - 100%

Ally Jessey
Staff Governor



- Website Compliance




Tessa Phillips

Co-opted Governor (LA) 








 Governors who have left during the last twelve months

Name and Appointed Role

Appointed in

End of term

of office

Commmittee or Working Party membership

Relevant business interests

Personal relationship with members of school staff


during last academic year 22/23

6 x FGB meetings
2 x C'tees

Jasveen Sehmi

Parent Governor







Fasiha Raza

Co-Opted Governor


05/01/2025 (resigned)





Bradley Hodds

Co-Opted Governor



- Chair of Budget Committee

- Finance Area Lead

- Pay Committee

- Income Generation Lead & WP

- Headteacher Performance Management



FGB - 83% (5/6)
Pay C'tee - 100%
Budget C'tee - 100%

Michael Meakin 

Co-Opted Governor


30/09/2024 (resigned)

 -Safeguarding Governor

- Pay Committee

- Future School WP

- Pupil Premium & Sports Premium Lead

 Employed by the DfE



Sharon Duffy

Parent Governor



 - Vice Chair of Governors to 31/8/23

-Income Generation WP



Employee Thames Water


FGB - 67% (4/6)

The Constitution of the Governing Board since 1 September 2015 has comprised of -

Authority Governor x 1; Co-opted Governors x 6; Parent Governors x 2; Staff Governors x 2 including the Headteacher.

*In addition, the Governing Board has appointed Associate Members. An Associate Member does not have any voting rights on the Governing Board or Committees on which they serve.

Updated December 2024

Governor's Allowances

 The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, part 6 enables Governing Bodies to decide whether they wish to pay travelling and subsistence allowances from the school budget to individual members of the Governing Body.

The policy of the Governors in respect of payment of allowances must be openly available to parents and Governors. The Governing Body must consider the payment of allowances annually, and the outcome must be recorded appropriately in the minutes.

Governors have agreed that travelling and subsistence allowances will not be paid to Governors. 

More information

If you are interested in finding out more about the work of the Governing Body, how to become a Governor or wish to contact the Chair of Governors then please speak to the school office.
