Epping Primary School

01992 572408

Information for Parents/Carers


For all children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. 

If you do choose to take your child(ren) out of school please note the Leave of Absence Request form must be completed in advance. Please find this below.

Epping Primary School - Forms

Please also see below for our attendance leaflet.

Attendance Leaflet

Parent/carer leaflets

The Governors' parent engagement working party have been compiling a set of parent/carer information leaflets. 

Attendance information for parents/carers

Helping your child settle into school

Helping with the homework habit

Reading at Epping Primary School

Helping your child be 'school ready'

Our Ready to Learn Strategy

How to make the most of your parent/carer consultation meeting

Helping your child with e-Safety 

Extracurricular Sporting Activities

Whole School Assessment System

Using a Growth Mindset approach with your children

Multi Agency Leaflets

MAC Harlow

MAC Loughton

Families Feeling Safe programme

NHS Health Leaflets

Headlice Information Leaflet