Epping Primary School

01992 572408


School Uniform

Foundation pupils in uniform


All pupils are expected to wear correct school uniform at all times. The staff and Governors believe it encourages a sense of pride, neatness and community. 




  • Royal purple v-neck knitted jumper or cardigan with school logo*
  • White blouse/shirt
  • Grey skirt/pinafore dress/trousers (no jogging bottoms)
  • PLAIN Grey or white tights/socks. (Ankle or knee high socks - NO BOWS)
  • Black shoes (These should fasten securely for safety reasons. Open toes with high heels or sling backs are not appropriate for wearing in school.  No trainers or boots. Boots can be worn in winter to and from school, however pupils must change into black shoes once in school. )
  • School tie - purple and silver (To be worn by pupils in years 1-6, not required in Foundation)
  • Wellington boots will be needed in Years F and 1

Summer additions (optional - can be worn from Summer Term until October Half Term)

  • Grey shorts
  • Lilac checked summer dress

All pupils will need PE and games clothing as follows:

  • Black shorts
  • Purple PE top with logo*
  • Grey sweatshirt
  • Grey jogging bottoms
  • PE bag*
  • Trainers

All pupils will need a school bag which they will use on a daily basis:

  • Foundation to Year 2 – ONLY small purple mini rucksack with school logo (no other bag allowed)
  • Year 3 to Year 6 – document bag with school logo or rucksack with school logo (no other bag allowed)

We require pupils to wear logoed knitwear. All other non-logoed uniform items, e.g. trousers, shorts, tracksuits etc can be sourced from multiple best value shops.

The school does not recognise or endorse a particular supplier for these items.

For essential logoed items, e.g. knitwear/school bags, our branded supplier is:Forest Casual Wear in Loughton. These items can be bought in the shop or ordered on-line.

Logoed tracksuits are available, but not compulsory.  Non-logoed tracksuits, joggers and sweatshirts must be grey and not hooded.

* The office holds a limited supply of these items if you need to purchase items in an emergency. All items can be ordered through from Forest Casual Wear in Loughton.

Optional extras

The following items are not compulsory but can also be purchased through the school or Forest Casual Wear, Loughton.

  • Grey track suit with school logo
  • Purple fleece with school logo
  • Winter hat with school logo
  • Legionnaires cap with school logo

Pre-loved uniform

We support the use of pre-loved school uniform. Good condition school uniform items that are no longer required can be donated to the Friends of Epping Primary School. These items will be available to purchase for a small amount from regular Friends stalls, set up throughout the year.

Please ensure all your children’s clothing is named.

If you need new labels and order from this company then the school will receive commission, which will be used to fund important resources.

Stikins Name Labels

Jewellery / Watches

Jewellery of any type, e.g. watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and badges should not be worn to school.

If your child has pierced ears, only plain studs may be worn but these MUST BE removed on PE days otherwise you child will not be able to participate.  

Smart watches are only to be used in watch mode and must not be used for any other reason.  Chargers and other accessories are not to be brought into school.

Hair Accessories

Mid to long length hair should be tied back at all times. Only purple, grey or white hair elastics should be worn in keeping with the school colours. No other hair adornments to be worn in the hair. Spare hair ties are always useful and could be kept in PE bags.


Sunglasses and umbrellas can be a hazard and we would ask that these be left at home during the school day.






More information

For more information please contact the school office or Forest Casual Wear.
For full details see our Uniform Policy.