"How does Epping Primary support my child when they are joining this school, transitioning between key stages, including Secondary School?"
- Transition begins between Preschool/Nursery to our EYFS environment in the summer term before the pupils are due to begin school.
- Pupils and parents/ carers are invited into 2 separate ‘drop-in’ sessions. 3.30-4.30 p.m.. The Headteacher, Deputy Head and Inclusion Manager will also be available that day to meet and greet you, as well as discuss any issues you may have.
- New pupils have an induction morning where they stay for 1 hour without their parents/carers.
- Their final visit is on Class Transition Day. This is where the whole school moves classes for the morning and spend time with their new Teacher, LSA and their new class. The pupils who will be joining our school come in for the entire morning.
- Pupils with any additional needs including medical will have a meeting with the Inclusion Manager/Phase Leader and all other relevant professionals before the pupil begins school.
- For pupils who are already identified as having SEND; the Inclusion Manager will contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss your child’s needs and work together to create a One Page Profile to share with all staff.
Transition between Classes/ Phases
- During the Summer Term, vulnerable pupils are identified by the Inclusion Manager and Class Teachers. A transition program is planned for the last six weeks, involving additional visits to the new classroom and time with their new Class Teacher and any additional adult support.
- A member of the EYFS team may move into Year 1 with the pupils as continuity which is considered good practice.
Transition between Primary and Secondary School
- We work closely with our local secondary school, meeting their Inclusion Manager in the Spring Term to discuss our vulnerable pupils who will be attending their school. These pupils are offered additional sessions at the secondary school in small groups.
- We have a Pastoral Care Worker who organises and runs a Transition Group for our anxious pupils. This involves learning organisational skills, reading timetables, discussing and dealing with the emotional aspects of moving onto a new school.