"How will we measure the progress of your child in school?"
The Class Teacher reviews and evaluates their lessons at the end of each day to make any adjustments for the following lessons.
All classrooms have a Learning Support Feedback book, where LSAs are required to provide written feedback to the Class Teacher. The purpose of this is to inform the Teacher of the progress the group has made towards meeting their specific challenge in the lesson. This information helps to inform Teacher’s planning for the next day.
The Inclusion Manager and Assessment Leader meet with Class Teachers each half term in Pupil Progress Meetings to discuss all pupils in their class and the impact interventions and Quality First Teaching is having on their learning.
Each term the Class Teacher and parents/carers meet to discuss the impact of interventions on pupil’s Personal Learning Plans and how effective they have been in meeting the outcomes. This meeting will produce new short term outcomes and provision to support the school in meeting these new targets. The Inclusion Manager attends some of these meetings.
If your child has an EHCP, a Specialist Teacher will also visit each half term and assess the impact any interventions/resources they have suggested.