"How does Epping Primary identify pupils who may require additional support?"
The SEN Code of Practice states that a pupil has SEND when the “support they are receiving is additional to or different from that which is available to all students.”
- At the start of each academic year all Class Teachers spend the first two weeks planning activities that will support them informally assessing pupils learning needs, as well their social, emotional and communication needs.
- Once completed the Class Teacher will request a meeting with the Inclusion Manager to discuss any concerns they have as a result of the assessments. The Inclusion Manager and Class Teacher will use the Essex Provision Guidance to choose and implement strategies to support Quality First Teaching in the classroom that best matches the needs of the pupils.
- After an agreed amount of time, the impact of these strategies will be reviewed. If there is little to no progress, a meeting with parents/carers will be requested by the Class Teacher to outline their concerns and ask permission for a more in depth assessment to be carried out by the Inclusion Manager.
- Once this has been completed, the Inclusion Manager will request a meeting with parents to discuss the results and a way forward.
- Pupils and their needs are also discussed each half term in Pupil Progress Meetings with the Class Teacher, Learning Support Assistants, Inclusion Manager and Assessment Leader.
- EYFS pupils will have a baseline assessment completed. If there are concerns the Inclusion Manager will carry out informal observations and if there are further concerns parents/ carers will be contacted.