Epping Primary School

01992 572408

What our children say...

As well as asking our parents/carers and wider school community for their feedback on our school, the Governors also ask the most important people of all; the pupils of Epping Primary.

During a recent Governors' monitoring visit pupils were asked for their thoughts and we were delighted to hear this from one of our Year 2 pupils.

"My teacher tells us something new and then she shows us how to do it, by drawing an example on the board.  She then gives us work to go and do.  If you do not understand it she will then explain it again and help you.  If you do know what to do and you finish she will let you choose a new challenge and learn something else.”

We hope you agree that this explains perfectly the ideal lesson and is a good example of the quality teaching that happens in our school.

EHCP Coffee Morning

We were also delighted that following our recent EHCP Coffee Morning a Year 6 child told us "we never did anything like this at my old school, I feel really safe here and everyone listens to me"