Wellbeing Day for World Mental Health Day
We had a very restful day marking World Mental Health Day yesterday, with the whole day focused on the wellbeing of everyone at our school. Pupils came in their comfiest clothes and took part in a wonderful range of calming activities including mindful art and colouring, yoga, pottery workshops, creating wellbeing bunting for our displays, meditation with the Smiling Mind app and baking. Pupils also spent plenty of time outside enjoying the fresh air with special forest schools sessions as well as games and their mile runs.
A number of local organisations generously came in to share their time and skills with the pupils, including Zinc Arts, Emma Pierce Yoga and Brambles Forest Schools. We would like to thank them for helping us make the day such a success.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who kindly donated towards our new wellbeing app and yoga mats.