Parent/Carer Forum New Class Reps Wanted
The PCF has been running successfully for 3 years and is made up of Class Reps and experienced PCF members. The meetings are a great opportunity to meet other parent/carers, discuss questions raised and learn more about our school.
The following bullet points give an idea of the role and expectations for a PCF Rep:
- To meet with Deputy Head or other School Leaders at least once per half term
- To discuss school improvement
- To represent the views of all parents/carers
- To disseminate information to parent/carers in a positive way
- To identify parents/carers with skills which would be valuable to school life
- To work positively in partnership with the school
- To contribute to the parent/carer page on the school website
- To identify points for discussion and contribute to the agenda prior to meetings
- To prepare a termly information sheet on points raised and discussed
- To contribute to parent/carer information packs
- To be the first point of call for parents/carers
We have already had some parents/carers interested in becoming their child’s Class Rep on the PCF but, as yet, nobody has been appointed.
If you would like to volunteer to be a Rep please register your interest at the curriculum meetings over the next two weeks, with the office or alternatively email the PCF at
Thank you,