Non Uniform Day Announcement
This year, to get children involved in the excitement of the build up to the Christmas Fayre, we are running a non-uniform day on Monday 27th November.
In exchange for non-uniform, we’re asking all children to bring in a donation for the Fayre and to leave this with the Friends in the main playground (donation table) at 8.45am
Year F, Years 1 and 2:
Chocolate goodies for our chocolate tombola - from bars to boxes – in date please.
Years 3 and 4:
Please decorate a jar, fill with sweets, small toys (e.g. party bag toys), crayons etc. and return on the non-uniform day. There will be a small prize in each class for the jazziest jar!
Year 5 & 6:
Bottles for the bottle stall (wines, spirits much appreciated but can be from shampoo to Champagne!)
Please can everyone also bring in any new, nearly new & good quality toys, games and books: these are much appreciated – and needed - for our toy and book stalls.
Thank you from the Friends of Epping Primary School.
Please see the recent letter from the Friends for full details.