News Galleries
Galleries from recent events are shown on this page.
All in Athletics - Debden Park
Young Voices at the O2 (14 images)
Year 1 to Epping Fire Station 2025 (10 images)
Year 5 Space Day November 2024 (17 images)
Mr Nourish Birthday Winners (5 images)
Happy's Circus 2024 (6 images)
General Election 2024 (2 images)
Year 5 Trip to Tolmers April 2024 (31 images)
Year 2 Trip to RAF Museum (15 images)
EYFS to Boydells (17 images)
Epping Primary at Groundbreaking Ceremony (6 images)
Year 4 Ancient Greek Day (8 images)
Year at the British Museum 2023 (7 images)
Mr J Leaving (6 images)
Year 6 Enterprise Projects - July 23 (6 images)
Year 6 Trip to Leyton (5 images)
Year 6 Netball Rally April 2023 (5 images)
ZSL visit Year 1 (7 images)
Poplar Class Titanic Dining Experience (5 images)
Year 3 Visit to West Stowe (7 images)
Year 5 Visit to Pizza Express (11 images)
World Book Day 2023 (27 images)
World Book Day 2023 (0 images)
Eco Art Week - Rubbish Pictures (7 images)
NSPCC Number Day 2023 (9 images)
Year 2 visit to Stansted (27 images)
When the Circus came to School (9 images)
KS1 Sports Day - June 22 (32 images)
EYFS Sports Day June 2022 (36 images)
District Sports - May 22 (4 images)
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022 (19 images)
Year 6 Handball May 22 (8 images)
Tortoises in EYFS (8 images)
Year 5 Residential to Tolmers April 2022 (53 images)
Year 6 residential at Gilwell (89 images)
Year 4 Ancient Greece Day (5 images)
Year 4 Ancient Greek Day (5 images)
EYFS eggs to chicks (14 images)
Big Bang Science Fair 2022 (5 images)
World Book Day 2022 (21 images)
EYFS Superhero Day (12 images)
Oak and Elm Classes came to school dressed up in some fantastic costumes to introduce their exciting new Superhero topic today.
The Sleepy Shepherd December 2021 (5 images)
Father Christmas Visit 2021 (4 images)
Epping Remembrance Parade 2021 (3 images)
Year 3 Virtual Viking Workshop (4 images)
Year 6 Visit to Epping War Memorial (12 images)
Our visit to the Epping COP26 Conference (4 images)
September Fair 2021 (11 images)
What a success! The sun shone and we had a wonderful time at the first ever Epping Primary September Fair!
Wellbeing Days October 2020 (29 images)
We all had a wonderful two days for Wellbeing week this terms, pupils took part in a huge range of activities, from exploring how different music made them feel, yoga and exploring nature to mindful colouring, designing their own wellbeing toolboxes, connecting with others through sharing poetry and even taking part in cheerleading sessions in Year 6,.
Year 6 Leavers 2020 (35 images)
It's not the goodbye we ever imagined or wished for, but we were so pleased to have our Year 6s back in for the last time. Not quite the final goodbye we had hoped to give them, but certainly a year they will not forget! We hope the Y6 pupils cherish the memories over the years from Early Years until now as they leave for the final time, and we wish them all the best for Secondary School and beyond.
Virtual Art Day 2020 (15 images)
Last week saw our first ever Virtual Art Day. Each year group studied a different artist creating work inspired by that artist.
Commemorating VE Day at Home (42 images)
It was wonderful to see so many pupils posting photos of the activities they did to celebrate VE Day. Lots of pupils chose to bake an assortment of cakes and pastries, design medals, learn the lindy hop and some even had street celebrations following social distancing guidelines.
Spelling Bee Spring 2020 (5 images)
Wellbeing Week February 2020 (18 images)
World Book Day 2020 (32 images)
Eco Council Bake Off 2020 (16 images)
An amazing array of cakes for the Eco Council's first ever Bake Off. Thank you so much to everyone who entered, and also to everyone who came and bought delicious cakes after school!
Christmas Tree Festival 2019 (4 images)
A huge thank you to all parents/carers who were able to come in to help make the Christmas decorations recently, we hope you enjoyed your time in class amongst the glue and glitter! I'm sure you will all agree that the decorations looked amazing! Some of these decorations have now been displayed on our tree at the Christmas Festival at St Johns Church which opens tomorrow at 1pm until 2pm Monday 9th December. We hope you will all have the opportunity to visit St Johns Church to marvel at this wonderful display. The rest of the decorations have been used to decorate our classrooms and our school Christmas trees, and they are all looking beautifully festive.
Year 4 Roman Day at Hadleigh Park (9 images)
Year 4 went back in time to become Romans for the day during their recent visit to Hadleigh Country Park. Experiencing life as a Roman soldier, making clay thumb pots and visiting a Celtic roundhouse to discover what the Romans would have encountered when they first arrived in Britain. Then it was back to the present day as our junior archaeologists got their hands dirty digging for artifacts to gain further insight into life as a Roman.
Performance Poetry Finals 2019 (0 images)
Today saw the finals of our first ever performance poetry competition. Each class put forward an entry after deciding between themselves by discussion or vote from all their class entrants and today was the grand final.
World Mental Health Day 2019 (31 images)
We had a very restful day marking World Mental Health Day yesterday, with the whole day focused on the wellbeing of everyone at our school. Pupils came in their comfiest clothes and took part in a wonderful range of calming activities including mindful art and colouring, yoga, pottery workshops, creating wellbeing bunting for our displays, meditation with the Smiling Mind app and baking. Pupils also spent plenty of time outside enjoying the fresh air with special forest schools sessions as well as games and their mile runs.
Year 6 learn to cheer with the Oakland Raiderettes (14 images)
Year 6 had a fun and energetic morning when the Oakland Raiderettes came to give them a workshop and teach them how to cheer!
Year 6 learn to cheer with the Oakland Raiderettes (0 images)
Year 6 had a fun and energetic morning when the Oakland Raiderettes came to give them a workshop and teach them how to cheer!
Tag Rugby September 2019 (5 images)
Tag Rugby Success! Huge congratulations to our Y3/4 tag rugby teams - they were certainly taking inspiration from the Rugby World Cup earlier on this week. Some excellent play and sporting behaviour saw our A Team come 1st overall and our C team come 2nd in their group. Thank you to Epping Upper Clapton Rugby Club for hosting and to West Essex School Sports Partnership for organising all these events.
Sports Day 2019 (9 images)
Another brilliant sports day with lots of great effort put in by our pupils, and some very very loud cheering! As always we had lots of different sports to take part in as well as the races, we even had boxing for the first time.
Year 4 Victorian Workshop (26 images)
Year 4 enjoyed a brilliant Victorian Day with visitors running a full day workshop. Starting with a Victorian style lesson, which was a bit of a shock to the system for some! Followed by a lesson on the British empire, learning a traditional waltz - which they made a great attempt at, singing some popular songs from the era and also trying out some classic playground games, which was a definite highlight!
Royal Post for Maple Class (4 images)
As part of their deforestation topic at Epping Primary School, pupils from Maple Class have been learning all about the effects of deforestation on the rainforests and the climate. They created some wonderful presentations and shared them within the school. But that wasn't enough for our ecologically aware Maple Class. They were so motivated by what they learnt that they were moved to take the matter much higher, writing letters to the Prime Minister; Environment secretary, Michael Gove, as well as the Queen herself. They were very excited this week to hear back from the Queen and the office of the Prime Minister! Hopefully Mr Gove's reply will shortly be on its way too. Well done Maple Class.
Inter House Cross Country - May 19 (23 images)
Another beautiful day for our regular Inter House Cross Country Competition. Some excellent running, with great resilience and determination being shown throughout the school. Most impressively of all was the support from pupils whenever they weren't running, the cheering would have raised the roof if we hadn't been outside!
Science Club Science Fair (29 images)
Our amazing Science Club have been very productive this term and have been working on some fascinating projects, including all about albino animals, extracting iron from cereal, making foamy snakes from yeast and hydrogen peroxide (!), what happens when plants are in different liquids and lots more. They recently held a Science Fair to demonstrate the projects they have researched and designed independently, the fair was visited by lots of very impressed pupils! Well done Science Club!
Red Nose Day 2019 (9 images)
Red Nose Day has been great fun today at school with our special Red Nose characters. We've had mask making, comic book designing, story writing, red nose designing and much, more, with each classroom a sea of red! Thank you so much for sending in all your donations. We look forward to letting you know how much we raised for this wonderful cause.
World Book Day 2019 (16 images)
It was a busy World Book Day here, but we managed to squeeze in a few pictures along with all the reading and talking about our favourite books. Lots of brilliant costumes; wizards, witches, doctors, grannies and even the Big Bad Mouse. Eeek! Thank you so much to all the parents/carers for making such an incredible effort with the costumes, we had a wonderful day and the pupils have really enjoyed telling us all about their favourite books and stories.
Dance Festival at Davenant (4 images)
Let's dance! Our pupils had a great afternoon recently at the dance festival held at Davenant school where they learned some new moves and showed off their dancing skills!
Perform Egyptian Workshops (5 images)
We were very lucky to have an Egyptian workshop with street dance and theatre group Perform. Pupils had a wonderful time learning new moves and posing as Egyptian Gods. We think you'll agree they're doing a great job as Horus and Isis here!
Inter House Cross Country - Feb 19 (17 images)
Now that's more like it! What wonderful weather for today's Inter House Cross Country. The runners are coming in with some incredible times this morning, must be the sun and blue skies!
Inter House Cross Country - Jan 19 (37 images)
On a rather chilly January morning we had a very successful - and muddy - Inter House Cross Country. Some great effort and hard work was displayed with some very impressive times being set.
Magic Maths Monday - January 2019 (8 images)
For our first Magic Maths Monday of 2019 we focused on maths in art. We looked at work by Piet Mondrian, identifying parallel, horizontal and vertical lines. Year 6 used rulers and protractors to draw accurate 2d shapes inspired by Paul Klee's castles and sun pictures. In Year 2 the pupils produced some wonderful floral work whilst working on fractions and dividing shapes.
Our Very First YF Pupils and Parade (12 images)
As part of our 10 year anniversary celebrations we asked for photos of our very first new starters back in 2008 and we received some very sweet pictures, which you can see here. We were also lucky enough to receive some pictures of our opening parade!
Tag Rugby 23rd November 2018 (15 images)
Such wonderful effort and talent from our Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby players. Just look at the determination and enjoyment on their faces!
Children in Need 2018 (8 images)
We've been supporting Children In Need 2018 here at school today. The pupils, and staff are all looking very colourful - and rather spotty too! We've been reading, drawing, colouring, creating and writing all about Pudsey. Watch this space to find out how much we raised for this great cause.
Remembrance Parade 2018 (9 images)
It was truly wonderful to witness the Remembrance Parade in Epping last Sunday, 11th November. The whole community came together to commemorate the occasion, including many of our pupils, both representing us as a school or their own uniformed organisations such as the Guides and the Scouts. As ever we were proud of all of our pupils who took part and were very impressed with their behaviour. Thank you to everyone who attended.
Our 10 Year Anniversary Grande Finale Parade (33 images)
Wow! What a wonderful parade we had on Wednesday. Luckily the rain held off just long enough for us all to enjoy it! It was incredible to see so many members of the school and the local communities coming together to help us celebrate our TEN terrific years. From previous teachers, including our very much loved Mr Horne, to representatives of the Queen, the town Mayor, lots of friends and family, St John's church, as well as a group of Year 10s from Epping St John's representing their classmates as the very first Year F pupils back in 2008, we were absolutely thrilled to see everyone. The pupils had worked so hard preparing for the parade and it certainly paid off as we were treated to a wonderful display from each year group. From singing a medley of hits, to designing our very own coat of arms, to booklets about the school, to showing off songs from their recent PGL trip, and much much more we were very proud of them all. Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate. We look forward to another 10 years and more...
Our 10 Year Anniversary Launch Assembly (5 images)
6th September 2018 saw the launch assembly of our 10 year anniversary celebrations. We heard all about the TEN exciting activities and challenges that we will be taking part in during the month from the 6th September to the 17th October 2018. Mrs Sack and Mrs James from the Parent Carer Forum told us all about the terrific TEN family challenge which sounds great fun and very exciting! Also the Governors presented all pupils with their very own NEW purple PE tee-shirt, we're sure you'll agree they look very smart! Check out our NEW 10 Year Anniversary page with lots more information about the different activities and celebrations happening.
Year 2 Trip to The Shuttleworth Collection (6 images)
Year 2 had a wonderful day out at The Shuttleworth Collection recently as part of their topic on 'Fabulous Flying Machines'. They were lucky enough to be shown around this great collection of historic aircraft dating from 1909, by four highly informative - and very friendly - guides. The trip also included a picnic outside to make the most of the lovely weather as a well as a ride on an old fashioned bus; going upstairs proved very popular and everyone took a turn!
Sports Day 2018 (21 images)
Summer Fete 2018 (18 images)
Sports Day 2018 (0 images)
3030 Essex Challenge (16 images)
We're taking the challenge! The Active Essex Foundation have challenged all of Essex to do 30 minutes of activity for the 30 days in June. We've been busy at school and at home getting our 30 minutes in. Here are just a few of the things we've done this month.
Year 5 Trip to Gunpowder Mills (5 images)
Year 5 had a great trip to Royal Gunpowder Mills. They did some fantastic learning related to their topic of Britain at War. From learning how to walk like soldiers, to meeting the people on the home front and - most excitingly of all - helping to uncover an enemy spy, they were really thrown into experiencing life in Britain in WW2.
Year 5 Trip to Gunpowder Mills (0 images)
Year 5 had a great trip to Royal Gunpowder Mills. They did some fantastic learning related to their topic of Britain at War. From learning how to walk like soldiers, to meeting the people on the home front and - most excitingly of all - helping to uncover an enemy spy, they were really thrown into experiencing life in Britain in WW2.
Year 5 Trip to Gunpowder Mills (0 images)
Year 5 had a great trip to Royal Gunpowder Mills. They did some fantastic learning related to their topic of Britain at War. From learning how to walk like soldiers, to meeting the people on the home front and - most excitingly of all - helping to uncover an enemy spy, they were really thrown into experiencing life in Britain in WW2.
All in Athletics - Debden Park (7 images)
Fantastic indoor Athletics session run by the Year 9 pupils. Lots of different activities to test our skills; jumping, balancing, aiming and throwing, and a team volleyball game. An exhausting but thoroughly fun afternoon. Thank you to the attending staff.
Inter House Cross Country (17 images)
Another brilliant day for our Inter House Cross Country Competition. A huge well done to everyone who took part! The winners were once again Yellow House. Go Yellows!
World Book Day 2018 (11 images)
We didn't let the snow spoil our fun last week! World Book Day was celebrated in style despite the weather. Thank you to everyone who came in dressed up and joined in, there were some brilliant costumes!
Year 5 Road Safety Workshop (14 images)
Year 5 have had a very interesting and informative visit from the Safer Essex Roads Partnership. The children were reminded of how they should behave when they are near a road, including how to cross the road in the safest way, why they should always wear a seat belt and the importance of wearing their cycle helmet. They even got to go out and practice safely crossing a road - under the careful watchful eye of Miss Brown and our visitor from Safer Essex Partnership of course!
Inaugural Inter-House Cross Country Race (54 images)
Our first monthly Cross Country Inter-House Championship took place on the 23rd February - everyone did SO well and tried their very best. The boys and girls in each year raced separately and the support from each other was phenomenal!
The New Pond Dipping Platform (11 images)
Aspen were lucky enough to go and watch the dipping platform for the pond being installed recently. They were delighted to go back and try the platform out for themselves this week.
Christmas Tree Festival 2017 (9 images)
Wow! So many wonderful decorations were made by all the children with their parents and carers for our tree at the Tree Christmas Tree Festival at St Johns Church. The finished result looks absolutely fantastic. Well done everyone!
Remembrance Parade 2017 (5 images)
As always we were honoured to be involved in the Epping Remembrance Parade which took place this year on Sunday 12th November. We were very proud of all our children who took part, either directly representing us or as part of their uniformed groups such as cubs and brownies.
Darwin Rocks- Year 5 Performance October 2017 (5 images)
What a brilliant performance! Catchy songs, funny lines and really interesting facts. Great work Year 5.
Year 3 Trip to Weald Country Park (28 images)
Year 3 had a wonderful trip to Weald Country Park last month to learn all about how Stone Age people would have lived. They built dens, watched how to make fire, tracked (and fed, rather than hunted!) deer, as well as produced some great natural artwork stone age style.
Harvest Festival 2017 (3 images)
We had a wonderful Harvest Festival Assembly, with some brilliant singing by the pupils as well as a collection of food items for Streets to Homes in Harlow.
Year 5 Trip to Royal Gunpowder Mills (2 images)
On Thursday 5th October Year 5 went to the Gunpowder Mills to find out about life in the Viking times. We made jewellery and a longship, as well as finding out what it was like in a Viking home.
Year 1 at Multisports Festival (7 images)
Year 1 had a wonderful time at the recent multisports festival at Epping St Johns last week.
Year 6 Leavers Events 2017 (5 images)
We're bidding a fond farewell to our wonderful Year 6 and have been celebrating their time here with us with a picnic, BBQ and of course their brilliant production of Shakespeare Rocks.
Ahoy there - Year 1 's Pirate Work (1 images)
We had a Pirate visitor from Museum of London Docklands on Thursday 22nd June. She entertained all the Year 1 pupils as she taught us the truth about pirates and explained the myths. On Wednesday 28th June we visited Maldon and learnt about living by the quayside and how pirates would have used Maldon.
Youth Makes Art Exhibition 2017 (4 images)
4 of the entries for the Rotary Club Youth Makes Art Exhibition 2017. Artists had to be aged 10 or over. Well done to Lauren, Isabelle, Anita and Anna from year 5.
Year 6 Trip to the Globe Theatre (15 images)
Year 6 had a brilliant trip to the Globe Theatre in London. They had a guided tour of the theatre - including behind the scenes, then enjoyed a wonderful workshop exploring A Midsummer Night's Dream and Shakespeare's world.
Year 1 Dinosaur Workshop (4 images)
Year 1 had a fascinating visit from palaeontologist Graeme from Portals of the Past for a dinosaur workshop.
PGL March 2017 (34 images)
What a wonderful week at PGL. Year 6 had a brilliant time and were a credit to the school.
Red Nose Day 2017 (5 images)
We made our laughs matter on RND 2017 and had great fun while raising lots of money for Comic Relief.
Voice In A Million 2017 (5 images)
Our choir had a wonderful time at the VIAM concert at Wembley. We were very proud of their singing and behaviour.
World Book Day March 2017 (17 images)
We had a brilliant time dressing up and learning all about our Awesome Authors for Book Week.
Art Week February 2017 (9 images)
As part of Art week last month we were very lucky to have Peter Swidrak into school as our Artist in Residence! Peter set up a gallery of 15 famous art works and helped us to look more deeply into these pieces.
Christmas Tree Festival 2016 (4 images)
Epping Primary made some wonderful decorations for the Christmas Tree Festival at St John's Church.
The Choir at Epping Christmas Market (1 images)
The choir did a brilliant job at the Epping Christmas Market and sang beautifully.
Harvest Festival 2016 (1 images)
At the recent Harvest festival assembly we collected a wonderful amount of tins and packets for the Streets2Homes Appeal. Well done!
Children In Need 2016 (1 images)
Pictures from Children in Need 2016
Summer Music Concerts (12 images)
Pupils learning instruments and in the choirs performed in a concert for parents and carers.
District Sports KS2 2016 (35 images)
Photos from KS2 District Sports. We won!
Year 4 at the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood (29 images)
Year 4 at the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood
Queen's 90th Birthday party (16 images)
Pupils and staff held a big party to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday.
Sport Relief 2016 (14 images)
Sport Relief 2016 sponsored fun run Mile
PGL 2016 (23 images)
The adventures of Year 6 at PGL 2016.
Hindu Assembly and Workshop Year 4 (11 images)
Hindu Assembly and Workshop Year 4. Pupils took part in listening to special religious stories and dressing in traditional Hindu clothing.
Year 1 at the National Maritime Museum (13 images)
Year 1 at the National Maritime Museum
Seaside History for Year 1 (5 images)
Year 1 learnt about seaside history from their visitor from the Museum of London
Downing Street Red Nose visit (7 images)
Official pictures from the reception at No 10 attended by pupils and staff in recognition of fundraising efforts.