Looking forward to Wellbeing Week
After the huge success last term of our wellbeing day to mark World Mental Health Day we're doing it again. This time we will be celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week, beginning 3rrd February. The focus of this week is Being Brave.
We will also be introducing the 5 Areas of Well-Being. The week will begin with an assembly for the whole school to introduce the idea of being brave. We then have several exciting activities taking place: cooking, mindfulness activities, Yoga with Emma Pierce, Zinc Arts, Forest School and other physical activities.
During this week, Thursday 6th February will be a non-uniform day.
On this day we ask that pupils come to school in comfortable clothing that is suitable for physical activities such as leggings; joggers; t-shirt; zip-up hoodie – please no football kits on this occasion. Please be mindful of the weather as some of these activities will be taking place outside.
We will not be asking for a voluntary monetary donation during this week.