Celebrating World Mental Health Day
As part of our work towards achieving a Well-being Award we will be celebrating World Mental Health Day, which is on Saturday 10th October. Therefore, we will be marking this day on 8th and 9th of October.
The focus of this day is to bring awareness to mental health and well-being. The theme this year is Tea to Talk. The week will begin with a virtual assembly with Senior Leaders discussing the importance of talking and sharing our worries and feelings. This will be done through sharing a story about well-being.
In previous years we have been able to have outside agencies come into school to work with our pupils. We have had yoga instructors, artists and forest school. In the current climate this is not possible, however the teachers have been working hard to plan a variety of activities to support pupil’s well-being.
The pupils will participate in art activities based on stories such as The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. They will write about their experiences last term, and look at how they take care of their well-being linking this to the five areas of well-being as laid out in our well-being policy.
The two days we are focusing on well-being (8th and 9th October) will be non-uniform day. As part of our well-being we ask that pupils come to school in comfortable clothing that is suitable for physical activities such as leggings; joggers; t-shirt; zip-up hoodie – please no football kits on this occasion. Please be mindful of the weather as some of these activities will be taking place outside.