Epping Primary School

01992 572408

Latest Out of School Sporting Achievements

We've had some great reports of some brilliant out of school sporting achievements - but we'd love to get more!  We know that lots of our pupils do a huge range of different sports and activities out of school and we'd love to hear more and celebrate their out of school achievements too.

The latest achievements are from Sam F and Ben A in Ash Class, Joshua in Poplar and Molly W in Sycamore.  For full details and pictures please see the Sporting Achievements Out of School page.

Well done to all of them!

We need more!

Sporting achievements come in many forms and sizes, but we would like to hear about them all. If your child has tried a new sport for the first time, has earned their Brownie or Cub Sports Badge, has represented their sport in a competition, has raised money in a sponsored run, or has learnt to ride their bike, then we would like to hear about it.

Please send in your child’s sporting news by email to:


Please include the following details....

Child's Name
Child's Year Group (Rec, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 or Y6)
Brief summary of the sporting news / achievement
Date of achievement

If you'd like to include a photo that you are happy for us to display on our website and/or out twitter account then that would be great as well.