Disabled Access
Our school building was constructed in 2010 and is fully compliant with access regulations.
- Automatic entrance door opening and push button exit
- Pathways sufficiently wide to allow wheelchair access
- Level access to main building
- Wide access to main building
- Low communication hatch at school office front desk for easy access by wheelchair users; DDA compliant
- Skirting boards painted to contrast between floor and wall
- Classrooms are located on one level
- Disabled toilet facilities located throughout the school, including in EYFS area.
- Wet room available
- Ramp to ensure easy access to both levels of the school
- Emergency lighting throughout
- Light switches at low level
- Visibility panels at low level in doors to all rooms
- Designated disabled parking spaces available in car park
- After school provision is accessible to all pupils, including those with SEND
- Extra curriculum activities are accessible for all including those with SEND
- Pupils resident in Thornwood have access to transport that the school is in liaison with; provided by Essex County Council. Access for pupils to and from the taxis is guaranteed safe
- Availability of an interpreter for consultation evenings and at any other appropriate times by arrangement where feasibly possible
More information
Please see our Accessibility Plan on the Policies and Reports page. For more information please contact the school office.